- Install QEMU on the system on Mac.
brew install qemu
2. QEMU for ARM
3. Download Images.
Ensure the qemu-rpi-kernel versions are
4.Run QEMU with the downloaded images and kernel
qemu-system-arm -kernel kernel-qemu-<version> \
-cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb -serial stdio \
-append "root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw" \
-hda <version>.img \
-nic user,hostfwd=tcp::2022-:22 \
-no-reboot &
Note: Please do not copy-paste the command from the page; ensure you are changing the <version> to the right one which you have downloaded.
The above command is explained in detail here below for better understanding ( you can avoid googling)
qemu-system-arm : To run with ARM
-kernel : To set the kernel file
-cpu : To set the architecture of the CPU to run
-m : To set the RAM for the machine
-M : machine type for the emulation
-serial : Redirects the serial output to the terminal for interaction and debugging.
-append : Appends kernel boot parameters.
root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw : the root filesystem (/dev/sda2) as ext4 and mounts it as read-write.
-hda : Sets the disk image
-nic : Configures a user-mode network stack.
hostfwd : Forwards traffic from port 5022 on the host to port 22 on the emulated machine.
-no-reboot : Specifies that the virtual machine should not automatically reboot after shutdown
Note: Assuming the system is running
5. SSH to Pi QEMU
ssh pi@ -p 2022
Manage QEMU
- List Running Machines QEMU Machines
ps -ef | awk '/qemu/ && !/awk/' | sed -e 's/[^/]*//' -e 's/ -/\n\t-/g'
2. Shutdown Machine Command line.
Ctr + A and then X
Note: I’m planning to add a UTM-based lab setup soon