Gobuster: Directory Search
Golang based directory/DNS search tool using brute force or directory method attack.
-Directory brute force
gobuster -u <host/url:port> -w /path/to/wordlist -t <numberofthread>
gobuster -u http://exampleurl/host:port -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -t 20
-Sub Domain Enumeration
gobuster -u <domain name.com> -w /path/to/subdomain/list
gobuster -u google.com -w /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap.txt
SMBMap : Samba Enumeration
The python-based tool will find the samba enabled service and port and enumerate the share; The SMBMap tool can be used for the windows based machine enumeration.
./smbmap.py -H <host> -u guest
./smbmap.py -H -u guest
./smbmap.py -H -u admin
HackerSearchPro: A Mozilla add-on
HackerSearchpro, Reji Rehim created the add on. It has pre-defined google dorks, DNS, stack information, ranking, Sucuri, Norton, AVG and login searches for the domain on a mouse click.
Note: It willl be continued!!